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Warm greetings to you in Jesus Christ !!
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I am Mr. Sunil Dabholkar, a hindu convert born again man. I'm a sinner saved by His grace. I'm thank full to my Lord for taking my cross, my sin & my shame. He indeed made me righteous with His precios blood which He shed on cross of calvery. I had accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior quite long year back. I love Him lot.
My profile would be incomplete if i do not write following lines.... they are must.....
In Christ alone my hope is found; He is my light, my strength, my song
This Corner stone, this solid ground;Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace;When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All;Here in the love of Christ I stand.
I like spiritual aspect of the life more. I am baptist. I like going to the Church regularly, reading my bible, underlining my bible is must. Singing hyms at church, even at home too. I want to praise my Lord & thank Him. I believe if our spiritual life is strong than physical life would be fine, in other word if our vertical relationship is right then our horizontal relationship would be fine at all level.
I am serious kind of person. Do not talk much. I love silence. I am romantic to my wife. I like discipline. I am faithful, honest & sincere with my life and wife. I do not believe in divorce at all. A single woman man & believes that the marriage is for ever. I am single hearted man. what i am out side same i am inside, do not have dual charecter. I am serious in my relationship with LORD and with my female. I like to love her & respect her as my other half. I do get angry some time, may be of some issue but it does not mean that i have hold the anger for ever. I love to return back to my love ones if i am wrong i will not hesitate to say sorry and ask forgiveness. I like children. I want to see my future generation loves my Christ & singing hymns right from the age of two. I wish my Child could sing " Jesus loves me this i know, Amazing grace... or You are my all in all.... & As the deer panteth for water brook.. " I wish they could learn violin or piano to sing for my LORD. A complete family oriented man.
I have been working as export executive last several years. Recently i have go the
same profile in iron and steel industry, here in India. By God's grace i want to start my own export business sothat the fund can be raised for the ministry. i am not joint with any ministry but like to help the ministry to spread the word of my GOD.
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