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People say I am innocent, understanding, smart and enthusiastic. My mum-mum taught me very good values since childhood. I was always passionate in my studies and don't have any kind of physical relation with any girl. I love spirituality as well as technology. My youtube recommendations show videos related to these themes: Upanishad, vedanta teachings; Osho, Sadguru and similar Gurus' discourses; AI stuff; TMKUC; world politics; chess, cricket, badminton; classical Indian music, sitar performances. Plans in entrepreneurship in using AI, ML in Robotics (in agriculture esp.) as I have a farmer background. BE in SKNCOE, Pune, MSc in Essen, Germany. Doing PhD in Uni Essen. Father is a innocent, silent, loving, and intelligent person (Master of Arts); and mother is intelligent (knows English better than my father ;) ) , funny (cracking her jokes), very good values and understanding. Brother(2 year elder) has a daughter(1year) and sister(5year elder) has a son and daughter. I like sport a lot: commute daily with bike to work, weekly badminton and tennis. I also like swimming. Do meditation (mostly Vipassana) regularly. Early bird. I rarely eat onion, garlic, egg (if in cakes) and highly tamasik food. I feel love towards everyone and that's my secret of happiness. I cry when I see old, disabled people struggling with their lives; and when I see people with full devotion in whatever work they are doing. I dont see any reason to laugh because its free.
About Life Partner Preferences:
Kind, innocent, passionate, preferably a Master degree holder (preferably in Non judgemental mind and forgiving; spiritual, less egoistic (unconditional love for parents and others even if bad experiences with them). Masters in Germany/abroad, some experience with german is an added perk; ready to live in Germany + India+ wherever i am ;). Hindu(maratha, brahmin and similar but not mandatory)/Jain/Buddist.